Starlink Install West Gippsland | Starlink Installers West Gippsland

Installation of Starlink in West Gippsland

Starlink Gen 2 & Gen 3 Installation West Gippsland

NBN Alternative West Gippsland

Satellite Internet West Gippsland

High Speed Internet West Gippsland

NBN Alternative West Gippsland


Satellite Internet West Gippsland


High Speed Internet West Gippsland

Who can Install Starlink in West Gippsland ?

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At Starlink Install Gippsland we are experts that install Starlink Internet Services by SpaceX to West Gippsland and other areas of Gippsland and Eastern Victoria. We are based in Warragul but travel far and wide to service customers with Starlink Installations. Whether you are after a General Internet solution, need reliable internet to work from home or running a business in West Gippsland, we understand the importance of having a reliable and fast internet connection, especially in areas with limited or no connectivity options.

Our team of experienced technicians have a wealth of knowledge to efficiently and swiftly any Starlink equipment, whether Generation 2 or Generation 3. We ensure that our customers receive top knotch service and installation.

Our Technicians use Starlink at home and always keeping up with the latest news and trends. We even have Starlink mounted to our vehicle!

Our services are not limited to just the installation of Starlink equipment, we also provide assistance in configuring your network and WiFi to make sure that your Starlink Internet connection is stable, secure and providing the coverage that you need for your home or business. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with an exceptional experience, from start to finish, and work hard to ensure that everyone has access to fast, reliable internet.

Our team have all the tools, knowledge and equipment to get your Starlink Internet service up and running within West Gippsland. No matter the type or size of installation required for Generation 2 or Generation 3 hardware, we can come up with a custom solution for your needs. With additional networking hardware including Indoor and Outdoor WiFi as well as Point to Point Links to other buildings!

We are happy to complete a site visit within West Gippsland to assess your requirements and provide a quote for the installation of Starlink. We are also able to provide a quote based on your requirements and the type of installation that you need.

If you are in need of a permanent Starlink Install for your home, business or holiday house in West Gippsland, enquire with us today!

Do you need a Starlink Generation 2 to Generation 3 Upgrade completed? Yes, we can do that!

starlink installation West Gippsland
Are you in need of a Security Camera System? We can also help with our CCTV Install Gippsland service.
Equipment Installed
Installs Completed of Generation 2 & 3 Starlinks
Number of Access Points
Number of Point to Points
Number of UPS Units
Number of Poles Mounted
Amount of Cable Run
This data is from February 2023 when Install Group Gippsland commence Starlink Installations.
Our Reviews
Shane MacFarlane | Drouin
Cohen and his team at Starlink Install Gippsland were an absolute pleasure to work with. They showed up right on the dot, delivered exactly what they promised, and took great care tidying up once the job was done. Their friendly nature made the entire process straightforward, from installing our Starlink system and Wi-Fi access points to setting up a point-to-point link for our sheds. If you’re seeking Starlink installation or even home networking and security camera solutions, it’s worth reaching out to Cohen and his crew. They truly know their stuff and they're great to deal with.
Jonathan Law | Cohen and his team installed Starlink and a hard wired Reolink security camera and recording system for us. He and has team were very responsive and helped us decide what was best for our circumstances. He took the time to explain the pros and cons of various options. Communication and rapid response and installation were both brilliant. I highly recommend Cohen and the team who made the process easy and seamless and avoided the typical issues that arise with home installs.
Sarah | Battunga Orchards, Warragul
Cohen was great to deal with and, the whole experience was very easy and went very smoothly. I would highly recommend Cohen and would definitely use him again.
Naomi Bawden | The Summit Trafalgar
Cohen has been wonderful to work with, excellent communication and service. Never tried to sell things we didn't need, just listened to our concerns and helped us get what we needed. So glad we were able to find someone reliable and local to assist with our internet needs.
John Richardson | Neerim South
I could not speak more highly of Cohen, turning up on time(or earlier) for all appointments, and installing Starlink without any fuss. I would not hesitate to recommend Cohen should you require his great service.
George Katiforis | Traralgon
Starlink Install Gippsland provided excellent service in installing my Starlink kit. They went out of there way to demonstrate the Starlink operation at my place before I committed to the purchase. I found them to be professional and thorough, throughout the entire process. 5 Stars to Cohen and his team.
Fran | Traralgon
Cohen was great, on time, quoted and invoiced promptly. Went above and beyond to help. Great service.
Cliff Hammond | Mirboo North
Cohen is obviously technically proficient, and does what he says he’ll do. Very satisfactory outcome.
John Dixon | Seaspray
From my initial contact with Cohen, he delivered what he promised. He installed it on time and the installation was faultless. The quote was spot on. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone and will get him to install an extender on my shed when it is completed.
Dianne Dennis | Seaton
Cohen did a great job installing our Starlink. He was very thorough and excellent at problem solving as every location is different.
Jen Houghton | Hazelwood North
Cohen did a great job at our place cutomising the set up to our needs. His communication was great, installation was smooth and we are very happy with the outcome.
Andrew Hutchins | Fish Creek
We were having issue with Telstra and Cohen came out and installed all our equipment & booster for studio in a timely & professional manner and guided us through the whole process ,would recommend him highly to anyone thinking about a Starlink setup..
Jenny Smith | Port Albert
I cannot rate Cohen highly enough. We have been experiencing difficulties with NBN reception for some time. After a recent long term power outage where we had no internet or mobile reception for 4 days I decided to ditch the NBN. I reached out to Cohen after completing a google search for installers of Starlink. The installation went smoothly, and I am now enjoying high speed internet without any issues. I will also maintain internet and mobile communications if there is another power outage as we can simply plug the modem into our generator and everything will be back on line.
Cindy and David | Walkerville
I wholeheartedly recommend Starlink Install Gippsland for anyone seeking a seamless Starlink installation experience. From start to finish, their professionalism and dedication were exemplary. Not only were they punctual, arriving precisely on time, but they also left no mess behind, ensuring a clean and tidy environment post-installation. Moreover, their commitment to customer satisfaction was evident in their patient and thorough explanations of the system, as well as their readiness to address any questions or concerns even after the implementation was complete. If you're considering installing Starlink and want a hassle-free experience coupled with exceptional service, look no further than Starlink Install Gippsland. They exceed expectations in every aspect, making them the top choice for Starlink installation services
The Process
Before installing Starlink or requesting a service, we will assess your site to ensure optimal performance. This assessment can be conducted remotely or in person, depending on your location and potential obstacles. Our goal is to confirm that Starlink is the best solution for you and that your location will support a reliable Starlink connection.
Finalise Order
After completing the site survey, we will provide you with a final order detailing the installation process, core components, and any additional parts that may be needed. Your approval of this order is required for us to proceed with the installation.
Equipment Order
Once your order is approved and the initial payment is received, we will purchase any additional parts needed. If you haven't done so already, this is the time to place your order for the Starlink equipment and service.
After all parts have been received and you have your Starlink equipment, we will schedule a date for your installation.
This unfortunately can be subject to weather.
Do you have more Questions?
Unsure if Starlink is for you?
Enquire Now
Would you like a Site Visit?

We can come to you and have a chat about installation solutions

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Other Services we provide
Indoor Wi-Fi
If you have a large house or business, we can help with the installation of additional access points that support both 2.4ghz and 5ghz Networks.
Point to Point Links
We can help provider point to point links to out buildings such as sheds, bungalows, cottages or the man cave. If you want Wi-Fi or internet connectivity in your out building, point to point links are perfect and very reliable. Regardless of the distance, there is a solution available for you!
Outdoor Wi-Fi
If you need Wi-Fi outside, we can install outdoor access points to extend Wi-Fi Coverage outside of your house, business or weekend getaway to ensure you are always connected!
Custom Solution
If you need a custom Wi-Fi or Network Solution, we can help. Enquire with us where we discuss your goals and then come back to you with a custom solution to achieve your goals.
Brands we use
Starlink and TP Link Networks
Starlink and Ubiquiti Networks
Hills Antenna